The Unofficial Rogue and Logan Shipper Shrine


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Photo Archive #2
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Almost A Woman
Fatal Caress (Sequel to, Almost A Woman)
Fatal Caress (Part 2, Sequel to, Almost A Woman)
Fears and Dilemma (Part 1)
Fears and Dilemma (Part 2)
East and a Little South
Northwest Winds
The Wrong Direction
Up To Memory
Down To Destiny
Without Control
Hunters Rise
Next Room Over
High On You
Maybe Someday (Prologue)
Maybe Someday (Chapter 1)
Maybe Someday (Chapter 2)
Maybe Someday (Part 3)
Change (Part 1)
Change (Part 2)
Change (Part 3)
Change (part 4)
Finding The Self
Find the Self (Part 2)
Finding The Self (Part 3)
Going Home
Coming Home (Rogue POV/Follows Going Home)
Home (Follows Coming Home)
Fierce Heart (Logan/Part 1)
The Time Is Now (Part 1)
The Time is Now (Part 2)
Touch Me Fall
Second Thoughts
An Odd Sense of Deja Vu (Rogue's POV-Part 1/2)
An Odd Sense of Deja Vu (Rogue's POV-Part 2/2)
An Odd Sense of Deja Vu (Logan's POV- 1/2)
An Odd Sense of Deja Vu (Logan's POV-2/2)
Honestly Ok (Part 1/2-Rogue's POV)
Honestly Ok (2/2-Logan's POV)
Sharp Relief (Part 1-Sequel to Honestly Ok)
Sharp Relief (Part 2)
Sharp Relief (Part 3)
The Choice (Part 1)
The Choice (Part 2)
The Choice (Part 3)
The Choice (Part 4)
Stayin' For Him
Hidden Courage
Eyes Clouded
Loose Cannon (Part 1)
Loose Cannon (Part 2)
Loose Cannon (Part 3/Changes)
Loose Cannon (Part 4)
The Burning Red (Part 1)
The Burning Red (Part 2)
The Burning Red (Part 3)
Partial Green
Paperback Hero

Coming Home (Rogue POV/Follows Going Home)

Okay, here's my next fic. It's Rogue's thoughts on what happened the
night she met Logan. Oh, and Gambit has joined the team at some
during Logan's trip, so that's why he's here.

TITLE: Coming Home
AUTHOR: Akscully
GENRE: X-Men: the Movie, Wolverine/Rogue
SUMMARY: Rogue's turn!
RATING: PG--a few words that my grandmother wouldn't
like me to use.
ARCHIVE: If you have the other one, take this one.
If you don't, just ask!
DISCLAIMER: Don't own 'em, Marvel does. Not making a profit, either.
Don't sue; I have little money and fewer possessions.
NOTES: Okay, in my first story, I forgot to mention
that I was inspired by the story "Reflections" by
Elizabeth. Awesome story, I highly recommend it.
This one was inspired by "Almost a Woman" by Misty.
Both are incredibly talented authors, so be sure to
give them lots of good feedback (as well as every
other author you read!).

Coming Home

Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Students-6 years
after Logan left

Rogue awoke with a start. She looked around her room
quickly before collapsing back onto the bed with a

"Not again," she muttered. She climbed out of her bed
and went to the window. She had dreamed of him again.
She looked out the window at the frost-covered ground
and frowned. This was awfully late for frost. The
garden she had so meticulously cared for since Logan's
departure would need extra care now. Maybe she should
ask Remy to warm up a few objects to put out by the garden.
Suddenly a memory arose within her, unbidden??t;br>
"I'll take care of you," he said in a low voice.
"You promise?" she asked softly.
"Yeah, I promise."

Rogue moved away from the window, now angry. She
didn't want to think of that promise right now. Six
years and not one damn word. 'Move on, Marie.' She
moved quietly out of her room and down the hall. She
stopped in front of a door and knocked softly.

"Remy? You awake?" she whispered.

"Am now darlin'," he replied after a few moments.
"What can this Cajun do for you?" he asked as he
opened the door.

"Uh??was wonderin' if you could warm up a few things
for me to put out in the garden."

If Remy was surprised at this unusual request at??'s
see??7 in the morning, he hid it well. "Sure
darlin'. Let me get on somtin a bit warmer."

As Rogue waited for him, she wondered what the hell
she was doing. Any damage the frost had done??
stopped her thoughts with a sigh. 'Don't kid
yourself, Marie. You know why you're here.' Rogue
turned as Remy came out of his room.

"You ready?"

"Of course."

The walked silently down the stairs and out the door.
They went quickly to the garden.

Remy's voice broke the silence. "So cherie, you wanna
tell Gambit why you really got him out of bed dis

Rogue looked at him. "Ah think you can guess why,"
she said quietly.

Remy looked down. "Been dreamin' of him again, huh?"
At her nod, he smiled sadly and shook his head. "I
don't even know de man, an' I don't like 'em."

Rogue smiled briefly. "Don't worry. He probably
wouldn't like you either," she murmured.

Remy chuckled. "He don't like de competition?"

"He doesn't like thieves. He's one of the last people
who should be picky, but??p;quot; she trailed off as she
shrugged. "Besides, there is no competition."

"Because you don't want it, or cause dere is already a

At the unexpected question, Rogue's eyes flew up to
meet his and Remy had his answer.

"I could have made you happy, ma petit."

Rogue smiled a bit longer this time as she reached up
to stroke his cheek with her gloved hand. "You
already have. You've been a good friend to me, Remy.
Much better than I have to you."

"I wouldn't say dat." Remy replied, reaching up to
grab her hand. He kissed the back of it briefly, and
then let it go. "So, let's get dis job done, den we
can get back in de house, no?"

Rogue nodded as they started to go through the garden.

After they had finished, the two walked through the
house to the kitchen to grab something warm to eat and
drink. They were surprised to see Ororo already
there, sitting at the table.

"What are you doin' here, 'Ro?" Rogue asked.

"It seems that I am not the only one who could not
sleep tonight. The weather is quite unusual," she
replied, waving her hand at the outside.

"I didn't have any trouble sleepin' tonight." Remy
replied. "I was sound asleep when dis girl wake me
up." He jerked his thumb toward Rogue. Ororo looked
to Rogue.

"What was the cause of your sleeplessness, if I may

"Just had some dreams." Rogue answered.

"Of Logan?" Ororo asked softly.

Rogue snorted. "Am ah that transparent? How

A corner of Ororo's mouth curved upwards. "No, just
very few other things cause you to have sleepless
nights except for Logan. Did you have another of his

Rogue shook her head, coming to sit down at the table
with her. "No, ah just dreamt of the first time ah
met him."

Remy perked up. "Never heard dis story, cherie. You
gonna tell it now?"

"You want to hear it?"

"Gambit always like to hear more about you."

Rogue smiled faintly at the memory. "Ah was in this
horrid bar in the middle of Nowhere, Canada," she
began. "Ah was running away??p;quot;

"Running away?" Remy interrupted.

Rogue's smile faded. "Back home, ah had my very first
kiss with a boy. My power manifested and he was in a
coma for three weeks. Ah couldn't stay there anymore;
not with the way everyone was treatin' me," she
finished in a whisper.

"I'm sorry." Ororo said, reaching over to hold her
hand. Silence took over for a few moments.

Rogue straightened quickly and shrugged, seemingly
recovered. "Well, like ah said, ah couldn't stay
there, knowing what ah had done. Ah decided to use
the route ah had planned out as a road trip for after
high school. Ah found myself at this bar." The smile
came back. "Ah was completely out of my element. Ah
had never seen *anything* like this place before. In
fact, " she continued on thoughtfully, "ah couldn't
see much of anything. The whole place had about two
lights in it. Except for the fighting ring. That's
where ah first saw Logan, from the back, at least."

"What did you think?" Ororo asked curiously.

A low blush stole over Rogue's cheeks. "That his
jeans were so tight, he looked like he had been poured
into them." Ororo hooted with laugher. Rogue gave a
slight grin. "He was the champion fighter. Some big,
bald guy went in to fight him. He got a few blows in
before Logan decided to fight back. He beat the guy
so quickly, ah knew that he had to be different like
ah was. He didn't even have a mark on him. And??p;quot; she
cut herself off abruptly.

"And?" Ororo teased gently, having a good idea of her

Rogue blushed furiously this time. "When he turned
around, ah thought he was one of the best looking men
ah had ever seen on God's green earth, and that ah
should thank him for not having a shirt on."

Ororo laughed so hard at this, tears began to come
down her face. Remy merely looked annoyed.

Rogue grinned. "He was hot."

Remy sniffed and turned to Ororo.


She managed to stop laughing long enough to choke out,
"Logan *is* quite attractive. Every female who is so
inclined is drawn to him."

"Remy feelin' real bad right about now." Remy

Ororo patted his hand. "Don't worry, Remy. You too
are quite attractive and a great deal more charming
than Logan."

Remy flashed her a smile. "You tink so, cherie?"

She nudged him with her elbow. "Stop it," she
admonished. "We still have to hear Rogue's story."

Rogue was startled out of her reverie. "What? Oh
yeah. After the fight, ah stayed at the bar to see if
ah could talk to Logan." She glossed over her failed
attempt at theft. "He came to the bar and ah tried to
catch his eye, but we were distracted by a news report
about Senator Kelly and the mutant registration bill.
Then the bald guy that Logan fought came up to him,
angry that he had lost. Logan warned him off, but the
guy came back after him with a knife. Logan's back
was turned to him at the time. He must have known the
guy was coming, but ah didn't know that. Ah screamed
and found out about Logan's *unique* abilities."

"He killed de man, right?" Remy questioned.

Rogue shook her head. "No, he framed the man's neck
with his two outer claws and let the middle one slide
up to his neck." She tried to demonstrate on her own
neck, but ended up looking a little ridiculous.
"Anyway, when the bartender held a rifle to his head,
Logan slice the barrel in two and his claws up under
the man's neck. Ah was terrified. The man ah thought
could help me was going to kill two men in front of me

"So what happened?" asked Ororo, caught up in the

Rogue's face took on a thoughtful look. "Nothing. He
looked at me, then turned and walked out the door. Ah
figured that he might not be as bad as ah thought,"
she said slowly. "Ah followed him out and slipped
onto the trailer he was towing behind him. After a
while, he stopped the truck and discovered me in the
back. Ah must have been making too much noise trying
to get warm. Still," she said, considering, "he
didn't seem too surprised to see me. Then he kicked
me out."

"He kicked you out in the middle of Canada?" Remy
asked, outraged.

"Well, it took a little convincin', but he let me back
in the truck." Rouge said with a grin. "Even gave me
some food."

"And did you tell him of your powers?" Ororo asked.

"No, he found out about those right away. He noticed
ah was pretty cold and tried to grab my hands to move
them by the heater. Ah had taken my gloves off, so ah
panicked and screamed at him not to touch me. He got
such an angry look on his face for a second, then he
told me he wasn't trying to hurt me. Ah told him then
why ah had freaked out. He seemed to understand then
why ah had sought him out."

"He was like you," Ororo said, nodding.

Rogue gave a brief nod. "We made small talk??p;quot;

"Small talk?" Remy interrupted.

"Yeah, small talk. Ah insulted his truck, he
threatened to kick me out again??ll talk."
Unwilling to talk about the dog tags that currently
rested around her neck and her real name, she
continued, "He told me his name and the next thing ah
know, we hit a tree that had suddenly fallen on the
road and he goes flying through the windshield. Ah
was wearing my seatbelt, so ah wasn't hurt," she said,
sounding strangely smug to her listeners ears. "Turns
out Sabretooth had pushed the tree onto the road and
he attacked Logan. Ah tried to get out, but my
seatbelt was stuck, and, of course, a fire had started
in the back of the truck and was moving forward
towards a propane tank. My life can never be easy."
Rogue finished, rolling her eyes. She looked towards
'Ro. "You know the rest."

Ororo nodded. "Scott and I came to your aid and
rescued both you and Logan."

"Logan had been knocked unconscious by Sabretooth and
was laying on the hood of the truck." Rogue explained
to Remy. "We were transported to the school, where we
both recovered."

"You had an interestin' start, petit." Remy murmured.
"You feel better now dat you talk to Remy and 'Ro?"

She nodded, a smile gracing her features. "Actually,
I do."

"I wonder if your dream tonight meant anything."
Ororo mused.

"What do you mean?" Remy asked.

"Well, only that normally Rogue is plagued by Logan's
nightmares. This is the first time that you have
dreamed *about* him," she said, looking to Rogue.
"The fact that your dream involved your first meeting
may be significant."

"What do you tink, Rogue? De dream mean anytin' to

Rogue pondered it for a moment. "Maybe??p;quot; she began
slowly, "maybe it means Logan is coming home."

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